Charter Standard
Hatherleigh Youth Football Club is a Charter Standard Club affiliated to The Football Association (FA) through our local County FA Association (Devon FA).
The FA Charter Standard kitemark is awarded to football clubs who provide a high-quality football experience. FA Charter Standard clubs are proven to be well run, sustainable, and place child protection, quality coaching and safety as their key priorities.
The FA Charter Standard kitemark was launched in 2001 and now recognises 4,500 clubs across The UK. The kitemark is a major focus of The FA’s £200 million National Game Strategy and has improved coaching, the number of girls’ football teams and safeguarding children procedures.
FA Charter Standard Clubs all feature a trained Welfare Officer, CRB-checked volunteers, Emergency Aid- trained volunteers linked to each team, Respect programme sign-up, a Level One trained coach for each youth team, appropriate club administration and a volunteer co-ordinator.
If you have any questions relating to Charter Status at Hatherleigh please contact The Chairman or Head Coach.